Are you wondering how stressful emotions impact your driving? Well, simply put your emotions affect the way you drive. I'm sure this doesn't come as a surprise to you. We all deal with other drivers who exhibit road rage and aggressive driving, for example.
So, let's have a look at what some emotionally charged driving distractions are. Any sudden situation that causes your mood to instantly shift, thereby causing your judgment to become completely clouded, is considered to be a driving distraction. Strong emotions will interfere with your ability to think and reason and drastically reduce your safety on the road. Some types of emotional driving distractions include: running late for a job interview, getting into an argument with your teenager, suddenly receiving negative or positive news or another driver who cuts you off. As a result of losing focus while driving, accidents can occur such as hitting an unseen pedestrian, hitting the car in front of you, backing out of a parking space into another car, or sudden slamming on the brakes. The consequences of emotional distractions while driving can be quite serious resulting in jail time and/or lawsuits. What are some things we do to prevent emotional driving distractions? * Awareness is number one. Becoming aware of your own emotions as you're driving and being aware of your surroundings at all times. * If you feel yourself becoming angry, sad, too rushed, stressed-out, frustrated, nervous or tired, take a few minutes to pull off the road to breathe, slow yourself down and cool off, before proceeding. * Keep your cool, when feeling stressed because of other drivers' lack of courtesy. * Become an intentional defensive driver. The standard Safe Practices for Motor Vehicle Operations, ANSI/ASSE Z15.1, defines defensive driving skills as "driving to save lives, time, and money, in spite of the conditions around you and the actions of others." This definition is taken from the National Safety Council's Defensive Driving Course. Permission granted to reprint with author credit only. Permission is not granted to reproduce, copy or distribute any part of this article without prior approval from Ms. Lynne. ©1995 - 2018 Sherry Lynne. All rights reserved. Are You Worn Out?
When was the last time you REALLY felt good? I'm talking about the days when you had some pep in your step, felt strong and healthy. Well, there are some surprising hidden reasons why you may be struggling with exhaustion, a need for caffeine, thinning hair, weight gain, muscle weakness, lack of mental alertness, feeling of not being rested upon awakening, dry skin or depression. They are: unrecognized low thyroid function, exhausted adrenal glands, a weak immune system….and your thought life. Yes, your thought life. "Let the words of my mouth and the MEDITATION of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer" (Psalm 19:14). This meditation is important if we want His strength to work in our bodies. I will discuss this further after a short physiology lesson. Having low thyroid and adrenal gland dysfunction will affect your whole body. "What is the link between adrenal fatigue and thyroid conditions?" you may ask. The thyroid produces hormones that travel in your blood to each cell in your body controlling how fast you burn calories, how fast your heart beats, your body temperature, muscle strength, and the health of your kidneys, reproductive system and brain. Your thyroid becomes sluggish by not producing enough hormones or by your own immune system fighting your thyroid and thereby preventing the hormones from getting to the cells. Many of my clients over the years have had exhausted adrenal glands as well as thyroid conditions. If you are exhausted, your adrenals and their partner the thyroid need attention! The adrenal glands are the 'dynamic duo' of your body. Their primary purpose is to help your body survive stress and produce hormones that you can't live without (sex hormones and cortisol). Cortisol helps you respond to stress and has many other important functions. Okay, back to the million dollar question. Here is the link between adrenal fatigue and low thyroid function. The adrenal glands are the energizing partners of your thyroid. When your thyroid is not working optimally, your adrenals will kick in, over-compensate and be thrown into overdrive, resulting in the symptoms listed above, as well as a weakened immune system. What should you do if you are suffering with these symptoms? In addition to seeking the help of a healthcare professional for a thyroid/adrenal gland workup, the next order of importance is to stay as stress-free as possible by handling your own emotions. Our thought patterns play a significant role in our emotional and physical health. As a matter of fact, how you handle your thoughts and emotions during the stressful times can protect or weaken your immune system, thyroid and adrenal gland functions. Stress mounts up, a little at a time. So, if you do not fully surrender your inner thought talk and external pressures to God, you will become overwhelmed and 'STRESSED OUT'! Learn to be aware of which emotion you are feeling at the very beginning of when you feel it. For example, are you feeling anger or fear or anxiety? "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me. And lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139; 23-24). Awareness of what you are feeling is very important. Then, immediately surrender the emotion, your choices or behavior and cast your cares, the circumstances and/or people contributing to the emotion, and any condition of your heart that is not of the God. Surrender each relationship and situation involved in the emotion you are feeling, one by one, committing them to God's care. Forgive yourself, God and other people. Repent for holding onto stress, worry, anger, resentment, confusion, bitterness, fear, anxiety, depression and for not resting in the peace of the Lord. Next, plead the precious Blood of Jesus over yourself, the situation, and invite the Holy Spirit to fill the areas of your heart you have just purged. Finally, be sure to praise and worship the Lord and stay in the Spirit for awhile. As you apply the fine art of bringing every thought captive "Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5) as discussed above, I believe you will walk in freedom from your stressful, physical and emotional strongholds. If you mindfully slow down and keep a spirit of discernment to keep your thoughts fixed on His truth, you will walk in divine health! Hallelujah! Permission granted to reprint with author credit only. Permission is not granted to reproduce, copy or distribute any part of this article without prior approval from Ms. Lynne. ©1995 - 2018 Sherry Lynne. All rights reserved. Take Charge of Your Stress and Your Gut!
Are you suffering with heartburn, indigestion, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and associated lower abdominal pain. Do you have to know where the nearest bathroom is at all times? Some major causes of painful intestinal problems are irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), indigestion/upper abdominal discomfort, ulcers, gallstones, diverticulitis, reflux, esophagitis or cancer. The onset of IBS and many of the gastrointestinal symptoms mentioned here often begin with how you perceive the demands placed on you, and your ability to cope with seemingly small daily demands or major stressful life events, such as; loss of a loved one, unresolved childhood abuse, spousal abuse, divorce, marital separation, major illness, chronic pain, or chronic illness, loss of job or job change, severe financial problems, loss of home, moving, drug or alcohol abuse (self, partner, family member), relationship problems. How does your perception of stress affect your body? Scientists say that the human body has two brains; one located at the top of the spinal cord, and one hidden brain in the gut known as the "second brain". This is how it works. Our gut has many of the same receptors as our brain does. Our brain and gut share the same neurotransmitters present in our "enteric nervous system". This means that our gut and brain work hand in hand with each other, sharing the same nerve cells, as well as recording our responses to our emotions and our experiences, producing gut feelings! Let's talk about how fear and stress affect our gastrointestinal tract. Nobody likes to feel fearful because it is a negative and unpleasant feeling. Unfortunately our present society is fear-based. There is fear of disease, aging, planes, failure, death, financial lack, a family member, germs, your boss…small fears, big fears, irrational fears, constant worrying. Additionally, there are various manifestations of fear such as, anger, guilt, unforgiveness, shame, doubt. Do you ever wonder why you might suddenly experience constipation or diarrhea when watching a 1,000-point drop in the stock market or having to book a plane flight for a business trip when you fear flying? Diarrhea and constipation are fruits of fear. Fear can constrict the intestinal tract, induce inflammation and possibly breed infection. 5 Stress Busting Tips For Avoiding Stomach Problems: Permission granted to reprint with author credit only. Permission is not granted to reproduce, copy or distribute any part of this article without prior approval from Ms. Lynne. ©1995 - 2018 Sherry Lynne. All rights reserved. Christian Leaders … Beat Stress Before It Beats You! Are you feeling overwhelmed as though you just can't get it all done? Do you feel overworked, pressured, or deadlines? Do you have trouble relaxing or loosening up? Does your body tend to be stiff, uptight, and tense? As a Pastor or Christian leader, there are multiple reasons why you are battling with so much stress. Here are some of the top stressors you may be dealing with: You are on the frontlines, having to be available 24/7, helping people cope with the enormous challenges in our world today, catastrophes, deaths, accidents and emergencies. This can be very stressful on you, causing existing, dormant, or new negative emotions/attitudes and stress-related health problems to surface. You may be suffering from a neurotransmitter imbalance, such as low serotonin levels. Having depleted serotonin levels in your brain as well as having malfunctions of your thyroid or adrenal glands from years of experiencing chronic stress or grief…will exacerbate your reactions to your already difficult stressful circumstances. Perhaps the daily pressures are exhausting you; working in a stress promoting ministry, organization, or as a sole practitioner where you are working long hours without adequate rest periods, with too many phone calls, meetings, interruptions, unrealistic expectations demanded of you, incompatible work schedules with your spouse, feeling that your congregation or work life competes with family time, being expected to wear all hats and be competent as a leader, human resources manager, counselor, financial manager, teacher, conflict manager, etc. Maybe you've had the stress of uprooting your family in relocating, changing ministry locations, serving or overseeing multiple congregations or satellite offices, having to satisfy others' new expectations of you. As a result of feeling 'Stressed OUT!', you are likely experiencing a general 'worn out' feeling, loss of motivation for ministry, impatience, anger, edginess, worry, anxiety, irritability, exhaustion, depression, fear and panic. To get relief, consider doing the following: ** Take regular mini vacations and time off. ** Handle stress the way Jesus did. He had quiet time by being alone, by often getting quiet and spending time with God. We see Jesus doing this in Luke 5:15-16, "But so much the more the news spread abroad concerning Him, and great crowds kept coming together to hear Him and to be healed by Him of their infirmities. But He Himself withdrew in retirement to the wilderness and prayed." ** Have fun, laugh, develop an interest by thinking back to what you enjoyed doing during your school years….then do it! ** Make a commitment to work with a healthcare professional that specializes in nutritional therapy, instead of using pharmaceutical medications with all their negative side effects. By making a few lifestyle changes, your fatigue, lack of alertness, inability to focus and other physical or emotional symptoms will disappear or greatly improve, making what seemed stressful before, no longer much of a struggle. ** Practice the fine art of saying "No". This requires discerning which things can be put off to handle later, and which things need to be addressed immediately. ** Take authority and signup for Biblical counseling to heal the spiritual root causes of your reactions to your circumstances and your stressors. This should include spiritual warfare, deliverance, and breaking of strongholds and generational curses. I invite you to take a few moments and pray upon what you have read in this article. Being a Pastor or Christian leader is a high and sacred calling. However, nowhere does the Bible promise to ease all the stress in our lives. Therefore it is up to you to be mindful when it comes to your own self-care. This is necessary, as it is written in Hebrews 12:1 to "run with endurance the race that is set before us". Permission granted to reprint with author credit only. Permission is not granted to reproduce, copy or distribute any part of this article without prior approval from Ms. Lynne. ©1995 - 2018 Sherry Lynne. All rights reserved. How do you cope with suffering, your illnesses, losses, or stressful situations? What keeps you going despite your difficult circumstances?
Perhaps like many other people, you turn to prayer and faith to help you get through these difficult times. Talking with God has been proven to be a powerful source of comfort and support as you struggle to get through your those who may be grieving, suffering from job or family stresses or facing illness. According to medical research, those who are faith-based are generally in better health and more able to deal with illness. We must learn to speak "life" into our health and circumstances! When our words are aligned with God's Word, they have the power to turn curses into blessings (Deuteronomy 30:19). Prayer can change how you view your illness or the situations you are in. Talking with God will make you feel less angry, less lonely, less guilty, less anxious and more hopeful and courageous. An added plus, is that you can talk to God whenever you feel the need, as opposed to relying on family members or friends who are often unavailable. God will always be ready to listen and will always there. Prayer can greatly interact with traditional medical treatments. In fact, I have found that praying with my clients has been particularly helpful when asking for the presence of God to minister to them, in the midst of their grief, stress, sorrow or pain. Cardiologist Herbert Benson, stress researcher and author of Timeless Healing found that repetitive prayer, has the same relaxation-inducing effect as meditation. Benson's initial interest in prayer stemmed from his frustration with people giving up meditation. He thought that, if they prayed, they might be more apt to stay with their relaxation program. Many illnesses may not initially begin in the body. They can begin in the mind with strongholds, unresolved losses or anger from important relationships, feelings of powerlessness in certain areas of life, loneliness, stress, anxiety, hard-heartedness, lack of faith. This is where the fine art of forgiveness needs to be exercised...not to help those who have hurt us, but instead to release us from the bondage of what has happened, thereby freeing our hearts and spirits, so we can go forward in our lives. We must speak life into our health and circumstances! When our words are aligned with God's Word, they have the power to turn curses into blessings (Deuteronomy 30:19) Scientific documentation of the human energy system has proven time and again, the human body's physical effects from mental and emotional patterns. For example, illnesses of the heart, shoulders, diaphragm and upper esophagus can be an expression of one's incapacity to feel fully and to outwardly communicate feelings (joy, love, grief, forgiveness), have hardening of the heart and inability to have true intimacy and honest communications with loved ones. The probable mental pattern of cancer is one's inability to resolve deep hurts, longstanding resentments or deep grief accumulated over a lifetime. It is God who can bring us to understand the problems in our mental patterns that we must deal with in order to get well. Who else can you turn to when your doctor tells you your blood tests indicate a life threatening disease? God WILL respond to your prayers. He WILL give you the courage to face your unresolved issues. Often, it's difficult to face the truths about ourselves. For example; Why do we hold on to grudges or why do we hold certain loved ones at a distance in our lives? It's necessary to discover what needs to be changed in our spiritual nature, in our attitudes and disposition, so healing of the mind and body can take place. We must learn to submit to His guidance, to walk in His will. Sometimes, for example, the person who is causing your grief, may not want to or be able to communicate with you in order to resolve longstanding resentments. That is when we have no choice but to completely surrender the person and situation to God, ask for His counsel and pour all your feelings out to Him. God listens and He WILL respond to you. Negative, obsessive thinking, critical, judgmental, anxious, stressed people automatically decide that a situation is dangerous, difficult, or painful and they may feel they don't have the resources to cope. These mental patterns cause the "fight or flight response" in which a series of biochemical changes occur in different parts of the body to prepare the individual for their perceived threat of danger. Any problem, imagined or real, can cause the cerebral cortex (the thinking part of the brain) to send an alarm to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus then stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to make a series of changes in the body. Your heart rate, breathing rate, muscle tension, metabolism, your extremities and your digestive system are all involved in this process. You experience butterflies in your stomach and your diaphragm locks, your adrenal glands secrete corticoids which inhibit digestion, reproduction, growth, tissue repair and your immune and inflammatory systems shut down. Fortunately, the same belief system and physical mechanism that turns the stress response on...can turn it off. This is called prayer and/or relaxation. As soon as you pray, talk to God and surrender the situation over to Him, your brain stops sending emergency signals to your brain stem, which in turn cease to send panic messages to your nervous system. Three minutes after you pray, the "fight or flight response" burns out! I recommend you discipline yourself to pray, if you don't already. Schedule time with God and/or talk to God all during the day, while at work or play. Having a relationship with Him is our decision and no one else can do it for us. God wants to speak to you on a one-to-one basis every day. He wants to be involved in even the smallest details of our lives. Permission granted to reprint with author credit only. Permission is not granted to reproduce, copy or distribute any part of this article without prior approval from Ms. Lynne. ©1995 - 2018 Sherry Lynne. All rights reserved. Sherry Lynne, who offers Biblical Grief, Stress Management and Nutrition Counseling, invites you to learn how The Healing Power of Prayer can revitalize you and greatly reduce or eliminate your fears, fatigue, bodily illnesses and stresses.
Financial problems, work overload or job loss, 'to do' lists, feelings of powerlessness and unresolved grief can cause fear, worry, panic, fatigue, stress,food cravings, hormonal fluctuations, thyroid disorders, adrenal fatigue, acid reflux, ulcers, high blood pressure, confusion, sleep problems and other health and medical concerns. Stress and anxiety not only affect our spirit and frazzle our nerves, but the rush of adrenaline can weaken our immune systems, leaving us prone to more illnesses and stress-related problems. In fact, medical research indicates how stress and disease-prone personalities (unassertiveness, being overly patient,avoiding conflicts, failing to express negative emotions, anger, hostility and aggression) affect immunity. However, Sherry says that we don't have to live this way! For 19 years, Sherry has effectively cared for women with Fatigue, Stress/Anxiety, Diabetes, Hormones, Thyroid, Heartburn, Ulcers, Constipation, Food Cravings and other health and medical concerns, so women can live healthy, happy and productive lives...mind, body and soul. In combining individualized Biblical, nutritional, stress management and grief programs, as well as Sherry's personal and clinical experience, you can rest assured that your symptoms can be eliminated or brought under control in a short period of time. To gain control over your life and to learn how The Healing Power of Prayer can help you, in spite of your current circumstances, visit Permission granted to reprint with author credit only. Permission is not granted to reproduce, copy or distribute any part of this article without prior approval from Ms. Lynne. ©1995 - 2018 Sherry Lynne. All rights reserved. Did you know you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their nails? Not just what their shade of polish is, or whether they do heavy housework or not by the nail length. We're not just looking at cosmetics here, but rather at unpolished nails and seeing if they have anything to say about health.
It is important to note here, that this is provided to be purely informative, and under no circumstances should one take this information and use it for self-diagnosis. If you are concerned or suspect you may have any condition, please see your doctor immediately. Nails are our protection for the nerves in our fingertips, while toenails protect toes from damage or injury. They are part of the skin layer and are made up of a protein called keratin. A healthy blood supply will create a peachy-pink nail bed. If there is a deficiency or physical problem within our bodies, the fingernails can show it. What are some of the problems that can show up on the nails, and what are the signs? Discolored Nails: Diabetes, stress, allergies and simple illness can cause your nails to appear discolored. A greenish nail color, however, can be a sign of infection, either in the nail bed or in your system. Bluish nail beds can be a sign of lung trouble, such as emphysema or even asthma. A simple dark blue line in the nail can be a sign of skin cancer. Tiny black streaks can indicate a heart problem, while reddish-brown spots can indicate a deficiency of folic acid, protein or vitamin C. Yellowing nails are early signals of various internal disorders, such as diabetes, respiratory or liver problems. White lines in or across the nail can signal fever, liver or heart disease, kidney disorders or, more likely, a lack of iron or zinc in your diet. What about the shape, texture and overall condition of nails? Nail shapes: Nails that tend to curl under at the tips can signify respiratory or heart problems, while nails that are raised at the base can also signal respiratory trouble. Square, wide nails can be a result of a hormonal disorder, while flat thin nails can be from insufficient vitamin B12. The texture of fingernails can tell as much about a person's general health as the color can. Below are some common texture abnormalities and what they can possibly indicate. Nail textures: Vertical ridges that appear on the nail can indicate disorders as simple as iron deficiency, poor absorption of vitamins and nutrients, overall poor health or they could indicate something as serious as kidney trouble. So, you see why consulting your physician is so important. These vertical ridges, as well as bumpy nails, can also suggest that one is prone to developing arthritis. Ridges running horizontally across the nail can indicate physical or mental stress. Nutrition plays an extremely important role in every function of our bodies, right down to the tips of our fingers and toes, literally. As well as signs of other possible disorders, nails can let us know how we add up when it comes to getting all of our required nutrients. Since nails are mainly made up of protein, they can immediately alert us to a lack of it in our diet. White lined bands across the nail beds can signal a protein deficiency. Calcium is also important for healthy nails. Without it, the nails lose their strength and become brittle and dry. You can find calcium in green leafy vegetables, dairy products, sesame seeds or daily supplements. As mentioned before, ridges in the nails can be a result of vitamin deficiency, one of which is the B vitamins. Vitamin B is needed for strengthening, while vitamin B12 also strengthens while promoting normal nail growth and healthy coloring. Vitamin C is another necessary vitamin. Adequate intake can help prevent hang nails and swelling of nail tissue, and a frequent occurrences of either of these symptoms is a good indication of a deficiency. Probably the most common sight on the nails is the "white spot". Although it has been noted that white lines can be symptoms of a serious disorder, their presence is more than likely a result of iron or zinc deficiency. Before worrying about any severe disease, your first step should be to see your doctor and have him/her test your levels of iron and zinc. The best way to assure yourself of healthy nails is to eat a well balanced diet. You'll need plenty of protein as well as fresh fruits and vegetables. Sufficient water intake is also important, for as well as keeping the rest of you healthy it provides moisture for nails. If you feel you are still not getting enough essential vitamins and minerals it is recommended that you take a comprehensive supplement. Permission granted to reprint with author credit only. Permission is not granted to reproduce, copy or distribute any part of this article without prior approval from Ms. Lynne. ©1995 - 2018 Sherry Lynne. All rights reserved. Your hip bone connected to your back bone... Your back bone connected to your shoulder bone... Your shoulder bone connected to your neck bone... Your neck bone connected to your head bone.. Do you suffer from Osteoporosis, Arthritis or Sciatica pain? How is your Bone Density?
Well, according to The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, "Different sources of diet protein may have different effects on bone metabolism, whereas protein in vegetable foods is accompanied by base precursors not found in animal foods. Imbalance between dietary acid and base precursors leads to a chronic net dietary acid load that may have adverse consequences on bone." Other scientific research also indicates that vegetarians and women who eat a diet rich in vegetable sources of protein versus animal proteins and sugary foods, is associated with a lower rate of bone loss.This is because when the body is digesting certain dairy foods, red meat, eggs and poultry (also high fats and processed white flour foods, crackers, rice, noodles, cereal, etc.), the acid produced from these foods increases the acid load as the alkaline pH drops thereby forcing the body to look for a way to bring the balance back. Therefore, when the body becomes drained from digesting too much acid, then necessary elements are borrowed from the bone to achieve a normal pH balance resulting in loss of bone density, which can lead to osteopenia and osteoporosis. Many times, so much calcium is used to neutralize the effects of sugar and other acidic foods, that the bones become osteoporotic due to the withdrawn calcium.Bones lose their calcium to the point where they break easily (spontaneous hip fractures) and along with losing their density, become inflamed at the joints (rheumatoid arthritis), wear away the intervertebral disks (sciatica) and degenerative joint disease results from the deterioration of the bones and cartilage that make up the joints (osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis). Additionally teeth chip, become oversensitive to hot and cold foods, become susceptible to cavities and become brittle because of mineral loss. So, what can you do to improve these conditions? My personalized Nutrition Program is a great place to start. My Nutrition Program includes comprehensive health assessments, evaluations and lab tests. For more information, visit Permission granted to reprint with author credit only. Permission is not granted to reproduce, copy or distribute any part of this article without prior approval from Ms. Lynne. ©1995 - 2018 Sherry Lynne. All rights reserved. If you remember, when you were a child, your parents saying, eat this or eat that because it is good for you and it will help you grow up to be strong. Well, they were right, your diet when you are young, has a lot to do with your health as an adult. Many of the degenerative changes that happen as we get older can be eliminated or at least delayed by a proper diet when we are in our youth. As a person gets older especially into the elderly years, their appetite declines with age, so when you are older you do not get the proper nutrition or nutrients that are needed to subdue infections and ward off diseases. In most cases an unhealthy diet is the cause of the infections and/or disease when you become older. A person who has eaten fatty foods all their life are at extremely high risks of heart disease and heart failure such as strokes and heart attacks. A person that has consumed a high amount of alcohol through their life is at high risk of liver and pancreas disease, kidney malfunctions, not to mention cancer. It is best to begin in your youth by eating healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits and of course meats. As the body ages it does not need as much as it does when it is younger. The body’s metabolism slows down and the body does not need as many calories to function. There are certain vitamins and minerals that an older body needs that the younger body can use less of. An older body needs more Calcium to prevent osteoporosis and to keep the bones healthy and vitamin D is needed to help absorb the calcium. Zinc is needed to combat against infections, because with age the body’s immune system also degenerates. Fiber is important because the stomach muscles weaken with age and fiber helps prevent constipation. Always check with your doctor before taking any additional supplements. Permission granted to reprint with author credit only. Permission is not granted to reproduce, copy or distribute any part of this article without prior approval from Ms. Lynne. ©1995 - 2018 Sherry Lynne. All rights reserved. |
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