Pray and Talk Directly With Sherry
To speak with Sherry, complete the form below. She will respond back to you via phone, within 24 hours or sooner when possible. All prayer requests are answered by phone, in the order received.
You can expect to be with Sherry during your prayer time together, approximately 20 minutes; Counseling and/or nutritional assessing are not included during this time.
If you have a medical or psychological or mental emergency, go to your nearest emergency room or call 911 or contact a Crisis Hotlines.
Thank you and God bless!!
Note: This is not a 'secure' form. Please keep your private information to a minimum. You will be given the opportunity to provide the details of your specific need, prior to speaking with Sherry.
By clicking the 'submit' button of this form, you agree to:
-- The Terms and Conditions of this site and Sherry's services
-- Be added to Sherry Lynne Counseling mailing list (if you do not want to be added, let Sherry know in the 'Comment' box of this form).
Note: This is not a 'secure' form. Please keep your private information to a minimum. You will be given the opportunity to provide the details of your specific need, prior to speaking with Sherry.
By clicking the 'submit' button of this form, you agree to:
-- The Terms and Conditions of this site and Sherry's services
-- Be added to Sherry Lynne Counseling mailing list (if you do not want to be added, let Sherry know in the 'Comment' box of this form).