Are You Worn Out?
When was the last time you REALLY felt good? I'm talking about the days when you had some pep in your step, felt strong and healthy. Well, there are some surprising hidden reasons why you may be struggling with exhaustion, a need for caffeine, thinning hair, weight gain, muscle weakness, lack of mental alertness, feeling of not being rested upon awakening, dry skin or depression. They are: unrecognized low thyroid function, exhausted adrenal glands, a weak immune system….and your thought life. Yes, your thought life. "Let the words of my mouth and the MEDITATION of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer" (Psalm 19:14). This meditation is important if we want His strength to work in our bodies. I will discuss this further after a short physiology lesson.
Having low thyroid and adrenal gland dysfunction will affect your whole body. "What is the link between adrenal fatigue and thyroid conditions?" you may ask.
The thyroid produces hormones that travel in your blood to each cell in your body controlling how fast you burn calories, how fast your heart beats, your body temperature, muscle strength, and the health of your kidneys, reproductive system and brain. Your thyroid becomes sluggish by not producing enough hormones or by your own immune system fighting your thyroid and thereby preventing the hormones from getting to the cells.
Many of my clients over the years have had exhausted adrenal glands as well as thyroid conditions. If you are exhausted, your adrenals and their partner the thyroid need attention! The adrenal glands are the 'dynamic duo' of your body. Their primary purpose is to help your body survive stress and produce hormones that you can't live without (sex hormones and cortisol). Cortisol helps you respond to stress and has many other important functions.
Okay, back to the million dollar question. Here is the link between adrenal fatigue and low thyroid function. The adrenal glands are the energizing partners of your thyroid. When your thyroid is not working optimally, your adrenals will kick in, over-compensate and be thrown into overdrive, resulting in the symptoms listed above, as well as a weakened immune system.
What should you do if you are suffering with these symptoms? In addition to seeking the help of a healthcare professional for a thyroid/adrenal gland workup, the next order of importance is to stay as stress-free as possible by handling your own emotions. Our thought patterns play a significant role in our emotional and physical health. As a matter of fact, how you handle your thoughts and emotions during the stressful times can protect or weaken your immune system, thyroid and adrenal gland functions. Stress mounts up, a little at a time. So, if you do not fully surrender your inner thought talk and external pressures to God, you will become overwhelmed and 'STRESSED OUT'!
Learn to be aware of which emotion you are feeling at the very beginning of when you feel it. For example, are you feeling anger or fear or anxiety? "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me. And lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139; 23-24). Awareness of what you are feeling is very important. Then, immediately surrender the emotion, your choices or behavior and cast your cares, the circumstances and/or people contributing to the emotion, and any condition of your heart that is not of the God.
Surrender each relationship and situation involved in the emotion you are feeling, one by one, committing them to God's care. Forgive yourself, God and other people. Repent for holding onto stress, worry, anger, resentment, confusion, bitterness, fear, anxiety, depression and for not resting in the peace of the Lord. Next, plead the precious Blood of Jesus over yourself, the situation, and invite the Holy Spirit to fill the areas of your heart you have just purged. Finally, be sure to praise and worship the Lord and stay in the Spirit for awhile.
As you apply the fine art of bringing every thought captive "Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5) as discussed above, I believe you will walk in freedom from your stressful, physical and emotional strongholds. If you mindfully slow down and keep a spirit of discernment to keep your thoughts fixed on His truth, you will walk in divine health! Hallelujah!
Permission granted to reprint with author credit only. Permission is not granted to reproduce, copy or distribute any part of this article without prior approval from Ms. Lynne. ©1995 - 2018 Sherry Lynne. All rights reserved.
When was the last time you REALLY felt good? I'm talking about the days when you had some pep in your step, felt strong and healthy. Well, there are some surprising hidden reasons why you may be struggling with exhaustion, a need for caffeine, thinning hair, weight gain, muscle weakness, lack of mental alertness, feeling of not being rested upon awakening, dry skin or depression. They are: unrecognized low thyroid function, exhausted adrenal glands, a weak immune system….and your thought life. Yes, your thought life. "Let the words of my mouth and the MEDITATION of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer" (Psalm 19:14). This meditation is important if we want His strength to work in our bodies. I will discuss this further after a short physiology lesson.
Having low thyroid and adrenal gland dysfunction will affect your whole body. "What is the link between adrenal fatigue and thyroid conditions?" you may ask.
The thyroid produces hormones that travel in your blood to each cell in your body controlling how fast you burn calories, how fast your heart beats, your body temperature, muscle strength, and the health of your kidneys, reproductive system and brain. Your thyroid becomes sluggish by not producing enough hormones or by your own immune system fighting your thyroid and thereby preventing the hormones from getting to the cells.
Many of my clients over the years have had exhausted adrenal glands as well as thyroid conditions. If you are exhausted, your adrenals and their partner the thyroid need attention! The adrenal glands are the 'dynamic duo' of your body. Their primary purpose is to help your body survive stress and produce hormones that you can't live without (sex hormones and cortisol). Cortisol helps you respond to stress and has many other important functions.
Okay, back to the million dollar question. Here is the link between adrenal fatigue and low thyroid function. The adrenal glands are the energizing partners of your thyroid. When your thyroid is not working optimally, your adrenals will kick in, over-compensate and be thrown into overdrive, resulting in the symptoms listed above, as well as a weakened immune system.
What should you do if you are suffering with these symptoms? In addition to seeking the help of a healthcare professional for a thyroid/adrenal gland workup, the next order of importance is to stay as stress-free as possible by handling your own emotions. Our thought patterns play a significant role in our emotional and physical health. As a matter of fact, how you handle your thoughts and emotions during the stressful times can protect or weaken your immune system, thyroid and adrenal gland functions. Stress mounts up, a little at a time. So, if you do not fully surrender your inner thought talk and external pressures to God, you will become overwhelmed and 'STRESSED OUT'!
Learn to be aware of which emotion you are feeling at the very beginning of when you feel it. For example, are you feeling anger or fear or anxiety? "Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me. And lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139; 23-24). Awareness of what you are feeling is very important. Then, immediately surrender the emotion, your choices or behavior and cast your cares, the circumstances and/or people contributing to the emotion, and any condition of your heart that is not of the God.
Surrender each relationship and situation involved in the emotion you are feeling, one by one, committing them to God's care. Forgive yourself, God and other people. Repent for holding onto stress, worry, anger, resentment, confusion, bitterness, fear, anxiety, depression and for not resting in the peace of the Lord. Next, plead the precious Blood of Jesus over yourself, the situation, and invite the Holy Spirit to fill the areas of your heart you have just purged. Finally, be sure to praise and worship the Lord and stay in the Spirit for awhile.
As you apply the fine art of bringing every thought captive "Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" (2 Corinthians 10:5) as discussed above, I believe you will walk in freedom from your stressful, physical and emotional strongholds. If you mindfully slow down and keep a spirit of discernment to keep your thoughts fixed on His truth, you will walk in divine health! Hallelujah!
Permission granted to reprint with author credit only. Permission is not granted to reproduce, copy or distribute any part of this article without prior approval from Ms. Lynne. ©1995 - 2018 Sherry Lynne. All rights reserved.